For the second half of life

Learnings, stories, and thoughtful articles to reference during moments of reflection, stressful days, seasons of disorientation, and periods of discernment.

The Beauty of Doors

The Beauty of Doors

In this blog the author uses his photos and art work of doors to illustrate transition and threshold spaces between the first and second half of life.

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Slowing Down for the Sake of My City

Slowing Down for the Sake of My City

JD, a 2HC participant writes, “Today was a reminder of a principle that I have been learning and reviewing in a cohort I am involved in this year. The principle is this; we must SLOW DOWN to hear the voice of God. Far too often, we do not hear His voice because we are not listening. We don’t have time to hear or feel or consider. We are moving far too fast. We are too preoccupied.”

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Life transitions: How many variables?
Jamey Lewis Jamey Lewis

Life transitions: How many variables?

“Many people don’t plan their careers but let things move by happenstance.” I was listening to a recorded webinar as part of my continuing education requirements to renew my coaching certification with the International Coaching Federation. The presenter, Mina Brown, was sharing from her seasoned experience of coaching persons over the age of 45 in what she called “stage 2” of a career. Naturally, the term “stage 2” made me think about our “second half collaborative” and the changes that occur as we seek to thrive and be fruitful over a whole lifetime.

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How a 2nd Half of Life Pilgrimage Healed a First Half of Life Wound

How a 2nd Half of Life Pilgrimage Healed a First Half of Life Wound

For centuries, Psalm 84, the Prayer of the Pilgrim, has moved many to undertake pilgrimage as a spiritual formation practice. Carol Weaver, a 2HC Facilitator and Spiritual Director, shares the story of her recent pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago, Spain. Weaving phrases from Psalm 84 with photos, poems, stories and lessons learned from various Stations of our 2nd Half Collaborative, Carol tenderly recounts how this pilgrimage helped heal a heart wound she received 40 years earlier in Santiago, Spain.

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“Walk sign is on” — 2nd half of life-friendly mission organizations

“Walk sign is on” — 2nd half of life-friendly mission organizations

How can we bring an orientation toward 2nd half of life flourishing into many more places and spaces of mission? More specifically, in what ways can we help our families, teams, and mission organizations be places that encourage and support global workers who are uncovering typical 2nd half of life challenges and opportunities? How can we keep the green “walk sign” on so that they keep walking with us and us with them?

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To be still, and still moving: 2nd half life blessings

To be still, and still moving: 2nd half life blessings

T.S. Eliot, in part of a poem directed to second half life travelers, captivates us with an image of exploration. "Old people ought to be explorers. Here or there does not matter. We must be still, and still moving, into another intensity, for a further union, a deeper communion." This blog is dedicated to our 2HC's 2022-2023 Cohort who for ten months explored together a sustainable spirituality for the second half of life. To honor the participants, our six 2HC facilitators share the blessings they received from the Cohort and in turn speak a blessing over them.

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Discerning My Pathway, Trusting the Path-Maker
Fran Love Fran Love

Discerning My Pathway, Trusting the Path-Maker

I am in Australia visiting family while I write this. Getting around unfamiliar places means I rely on my phone’s GPS which gives me two options: turn-by-turn directions or a walking map. I see first and second half life invitations in both sets of directions.

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Hearing Anew the Call to Communion with the Caller

Hearing Anew the Call to Communion with the Caller

“I sensed danger as my communion with the Lord failed to reach the depth I once knew,” so begins Joe, this blog’s author. It was enough to compel him to go on a retreat where he could prayerfully reflect on this. In a paradigm-shifting conversation over lunch with the retreat host, Joe heard the Lord’s invitation, “What if every day is just another opportunity to be with me?” Here is his story.

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Diving Out of the Pause
Ed McManness Ed McManness

Diving Out of the Pause

Learning to live out of a pause, rather than out of rush, is how the author describes his life after watching Olympic divers pause at the edge of diving platforms. Here are his reflections on the joy of living a contemplative and engaged spirituality.

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The Sustaining Power of Paradox: Integrating Action & Contemplation
Fran Love Fran Love

The Sustaining Power of Paradox: Integrating Action & Contemplation

In this blog I review a portion of Parker Palmer’s book The Active Life: A Spirituality of Work, Creativity and Caring.

Before I do, I want to share something personal. Perhaps this will explain why I find Palmer’s book compelling.

I first read his book years ago when my husband Rick was traveling worldwide in his role as International Director of our organization. I am not sure why I read this book because the world of action, the idea of being an activator, did not appeal to me. Maybe that’s true for you too. This high-paced life lived in front of thousands with their expectations of who Rick should be and what he should do deposited many successes into our significance-account, and just as rapidly, took withdrawals from our well-being account.

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Blooming Wherever I am Planted
Dano Dano

Blooming Wherever I am Planted

My prayer for us as an emerging community of friends on the road is to be here, faithful with each other and blooming where we are planted. Shamelessly, formed by past places and peoples that shaped us, and also courageously engaged wherever we now reside.

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Stages of Life and Faith Development (Part 2)

Stages of Life and Faith Development (Part 2)

Elaine continues the theme of life and faith growth over a lifetime which she wrote for 2HC in her previous blog, In A Single Breath. In this portion of her blog, she focuses on the stage known as The Wall. Elaine’s journey at the Wall is unique to her, as it will be for others. Nevertheless, many describe their wall time with similar themes: a period of disorientation, uncertainty, confusion, as well as a deep and growing thirst for God.

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Stages of Life and Faith Development (Part 1)

Stages of Life and Faith Development (Part 1)

In this blog and the next, Elaine T, a 2HC participant, picks up one of our 2HC themes — how faith develops over a life time. She enriches concepts we looked at from the book The Critical Journey with the writings of Richard Rohr in his book Falling Upwards: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life. Elaine weaves in her story of a profound loss that shifted her faith at a very young age.

In the next blog (Part 2), Elaine, with powerful prose and poetic language, will describe her experiences at The Wall.

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A Lament for Returnees and their Organizational Ouches

A Lament for Returnees and their Organizational Ouches

Our current month’s theme in 2HC is seasons of life and grieving losses. The following lament represents a synthesis of many voices of those who, for various reasons, return to their passport countries after years of cross-cultural service. It captures what many feel emotionally when treasured community, once centered around an exciting cause, can no longer exist without that cause. The loss is real, as is the longing for a community where unconditional love is nurtured and supported. The author here expresses what all laments contain: pain, anger, and hope.

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Awaken to 2nd-half longings

Our destination? Spiritual depth, discernment of life contributions, and friendship for flourishing and fruitfulness in the second 2nd half of life.