My Belovedness Lived Out
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash
Below we share a poem by Roxanne Johnson. Roxanne was a member of our third 2HC cohort, which recently completed its 2HC journey. With over three decades of experience in the UK, USA, South Asia and Central Asia, she expressed that she had a fruitful ministry, but it was marked by hurry, little margin, and a lack of living out her identity as one who is loved of God. Especially on silent retreats during the cohort journey, she heard Jesus’ strong voice. She writes, “He awakened my soul, my poetry, my artistic side. He delightfully allowed me to create, to dream again, to play with him.”
As you read, here are some questions to consider:
What images capture your attention?
What is the connection between belovedness and vibrant community life?
What creative response is stirring in you?
My Belovedness Lived Out
by Roxanne Johnson
“Beloved let us love one another, for love is of God and everyone who loveth,
knoweth God, for God is love.” 1 John 4:7-8
“What would it take,” my beloved said to me,
“for you to SEE, I LOVETH THEE?
I love thee unabashedly,
joyfully and completely.
My love knows NO HEIGHT, and NO DEPTH.
In you it resides, so sweetly.
I see you, my daughter, and the very center of your heart…
You say you have anger, fears and regrets...
I see your shadow, that is only the start,
There is pain and frustration that you’ve not let go of just yet.
Your questions, your doubts, so real and so raw.
Yet, I’ll not back away, for I SEE IT ALL!
I’ll hold your sorrow
and I hold your shame.
I’ll be the healing balm,
and I’ll remove all the stains.
This is LIFE abundant,
What I give is triumphant.”
“My BELOVED,” I cried,
“You know my very heart?…
And yet still –
you want ME to take part?
This LOVE STORY, you bring me is beyond riches and fame,
This LOVE you give has TRANSFORMED my very name!”
“Oh daughter,” He replied,
“You see still in part.
There is more to my LOVE
than just, your heart.
The bigger picture unfolds when you
live your BELOVEDNESS out.
The JOY on display, for all to behold,
is the transformation your pierced soul extolls.
Imagine with me, as it does not stop there,
What life would be like if this BELOVEDNESS you share.
You have MY POWER to draw others out…
So, call forth their BELOVEDNESS without any doubt.
Don’t focus, or fuss,
on their grievous stains,
Instead choose to SEE, through my eyes,
for I bring a love that will break any chains.
will love all mankind and BELOVEDNESS in
the community will not be displaced.